Bird of The Week: The Brown Shrike

Hello and welcome back to BirdInspector! I hope you enjoy inspecting this weeks bird: the Brown Shrike. If you aren't familiar with Shrikes in general let me describe one to you in two words: ruthless motherfucker. If you're a small animal of prey and think you're going to be around a Shrike you better keep your head on the fucking swivel, because your encounter is going to be a little bit like this: Get scooped off the ground for no reason, get flown up like 50 feet in the air until the Shrike finds something to impale you on, impale you on it, then eat you as you slowly die. At this point I'm going to have to stop writing this article because I'm having some trouble confronting my own mortality. If you would like to know more about the Brown Shrike I encourage you to do some research on your own. Thank you for reading and stay posted for more articles this week!
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