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Friend or Foe?: The Blue-Eyed Ground Dove

 Hello, Reader!  It's been a long time since I've written you, and I must say I did miss you a bit. But life moves on and away, and friends you've had before often fade like so much morning fog fading into the air of a warmer day. I've found my warmer days, reader. Have you? Regardless, I've come back to my quill and parchment to impart upon you majesty of what I have found whilst unclouded these past years; the existence of the Blue-Eyed Ground Dove. The Beautiful Blue-Eyed Ground Dove The blue-eyed ground dove is a subspecies of dove, distinct from its brethren in not only plumage, but habitat and widescale availability. Found only in the Cerrado savanna in Brazil, the blue-eyed ground dove welcomes few outsiders into his domain. Upon seeing my gleeful alacrity for birds and savannas alike, the blue-eyed ground dove set aside his inhibitions and allowed me to share his diverse (and quite encompassing) ecoregion.  I saw in him many things, dear reader. Generosity.

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