Bird of the Week: Rock Pigeon

Hello, Reader. Welcome back to another Bird of the Week. This week we're going to take a look at the Rock "Rough and Tumble" Pigeon. Now Reader, you wont find many scientists who have the stones to call these birds by their full name, but I've spent many years training to destroy these little chumps so I have no fear for my safety. When unaware of their week points it can be a challenge to defeat them. There will be an article out later this week detailing the methods of combating these foes, so stay posted. Basically these shitheads waltz up and down the street, sticking their head into your business, and calling you and your stepson names. Does that sound like what you want, Reader, for these guys to make your stepson think that this world is full of bad people? I bet it isn't. Look out for these guys, they will mess you up and they will not be sorry about it.
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