Bird of The Week: The Northern Royal Albatross

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Hello, Reader. Welcome to another "eventful" week at The Bird Inspector. Today I'd like to introduce you to the Northern Royal Albatross. Now, I don't want to insult you, Reader, by breaking down its Taxonomy, because if I'm being honest, it's pretty obvious. Their naricorns are attached to their upper bill and they produce stomach oil made from wax esters and triglycerides that are stored in the proventriculus. If that doesn't spell out the Diomedeidae family to you, Reader, than I'm not sure what does. Fun fact about these guys: in the scientific community they're often regarded as "Dirty Little Squid Eaters", and that's not something I'd lie to you about either. Squid makes up about 85% of their diet. I don't know about you, Reader, but a good rule of thumb that I like to follow is you are what you eat. If this is true than a Royal Northern Albatross is 85% squid and about 15% fish, cephalopod, and crustacean, which makes it the first bird in existence to actually be 0% bird. 


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